9 May Europe Day

9 May Europe Day will be celebrated in 20 provinces in Turkey through activities organized in collaboration with the Ministry for EU Affairs.

Europe Day is 9 May, commemorating the declaration by Robert Schuman in 1950 which is regarded as marking the creation of the European Union

On May 9, 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read to the international press a declaration stating that it was essential to establish peaceful relations in Europe for a more systematic and organized Europe. Schuman Declaration is regarded as marking the creation of the European Union. This success story is celebrated on the anniversary of the declaration.

Within the scope of the celebrations which are combined with Mother’s Day this year, various activities are organized for mothers, fathers and children in CerModern on 7-8 May. Activities vary from European Chefs’ live shows to experiment buses for kids and from concerts to illusion shows.

For more information, please visit www.avrupa.info.tr