License Exempted Electricity Generation Project Closing Meeting

The License Exempted Electricity Generation project conducted by the Turkish Energy Foundation (TENVA) in collaboration with the Hungarian-based Energy Regulators Regional Association-ERRA was concluded with a National Conference. During the conference which was open to the participation of all those involved and interested in the energy sector, the progress and outputs of the project were evaluated.

The most important issue of the last 4 years is License Exempted Electricity Generation

During his opening speech, Hasan KÖKTAŞ, the Chairman of the Turkish Energy Foundation, underlined that the most important issue of the last four years is the license exempted electricity generation. He said: “License exempted generation affects not only the electricity generation but many other areas as well. The sector is made up of a wide range of social stakeholders, such as technology, human resources, and nationalization.” Aylin ÇAĞLAYAN, Director of Sectoral Policies, Ministry for EU Affairs, emphasized the importance of the energy sector in the EU membership process during her speech.

Following the opening remarks, the status of the energy sector in European countries, financial and legal steps, sectoral advantages and disadvantages were discussed. The project book was distributed to all participants.

Two other energy projects which are implemented under the Civil Society Dialogue Programme also participated in the closing conference. Faruk TELEMCİOĞLU, the General Secretary of Turkey Department of International Solar Energy Group GÜNDER; and  Tanay Sıtkı UYAR,  President of Renewable Energy Association of Turkey-EUROSOLAR gave presentations titled  “License Exempted Energy in Turkey, Legislation and Market Structure” and The Importance of License Exempted Energy Generation in terms of Community Energy”, respectively.

To access the Project Book and the presentations from the License Exempted Energy National Conference and the Project Training, please register at the E-Learning Platform which is one of the project outputs