The Civil Society Dialogue Family Met in Antalya!

The Civil Society Dialogue Family came together in Antalya on 16-18 January 2017 for the Interim Evaluation Workshop and Interim/Final Report Training. Bülent Özcan, Ministry for EU Affairs Project Implementation Director emphasized the importance and the objective of the programme once again during his opening speech and informed the participants about the Ministry for EU Affairs’ activities related to civil society in the upcoming phase.

Over 150 grant beneficiaries who met for the comprehensive 3-day training, told the story of their project on photo blocks by using photographs and writings besides attending the technical training.

While the first year of the Civil Society Dialogue’s fourth phase is almost over, the results of the projects implemented under 9 different schemes were really impressive. Grant beneficiaries from Turkey and EU listened to each other’s projects with interest and asked questions. New partnerships were established. Samples of visibility material produced by the projects were also exhibited. Ideas for new projects were formed during the activity in which project experiences and best practices were shared.