Applications are open for the Sivil Düşün Advisory Board Meeting and the Climate Action Fair

Climate change will be discussed in the Sivil Düşün Advisory Board Meeting and Climate Action Fair which are being organized within the scope of the Delegation of the European Commission in Turkey Climate Action Week.

Civil society organizations, civil formations and activists will discuss climate change, climate justice, clean energy, sustainable eco-activism in the Advisory Board Meeting which will be held on 19-21 October 2016 in Ankara-ODTÜ Vişnelik.

The meeting will be held under the scope of the EU Climate Action Fair in the Climate Action Week that was planned by the Delegation of the European Commission in Turkey following the Paris Agreement signed in 2015 by 195 countries to create common climate change policies. The Climate Action Week was planned to bring together member states, CSOs and activisits. Issues to be discussed in the meeting consist of policy suggestions for climate change, environmental advocacy, biodiversity preservation, sustainability, clean energy, low-carbon development.

Activists and civil society organizations who plan to organize activities (workshop, exhibition, etc) in the meeting may apply according to the below mentioned infomation.

In order to organize your activity in 20-21 October program, please complete to form by clicking here by 6 October, Thursday, 17.00.

Sample Activity Topics

  • Recomemndations for climate change policies, monitoring-evaluation and advocacy
  • Climate justice and environmental right
  • Effects of the climate change, climate resilience and adaptation measures
  • Local administrations and/or local organizations
  • Natural disasters due to climate change and risk management
  • Sustainable/low carbon development
  • Clean energy
  • Environment/climate ethics
  • Ecology movement/green movement/eco-activism
  • Climate change and social gender equity
  • Active citizenship and/or participation in climate movement
  • Climate change and culİklim değişikliği ve culture and arts events
  • Cultural legacy and climate change
  • Climate change training
  • Climate literacy and media
  • Climate change and health
  • Energy efficiency
  • Eco-system, natural resources, biodiversity and climate change
  • Economic sectors and climate change (agriculture, transportation, energy etc.)

In order to participate in the meeting without organizing an activity, please click here to complete the application form

Notes for the participants:

  • Organizations running rights-based studies in the fields of climate and environment will be given priority for the Advisory Board Meeting.
  • First come first served rule will apply for the acceptance of participants.
  • Accommodation and transportation support will be provided up to 100 participants attending from outside of Ankara.
  • Since the number of participants will be limited, it will be mandatory to register.
  • The issue of equal representation will be taken into consideration within the framework of  gender equity.
  • Please feel free to contact us at or 0543 730 52 74 / 0312 428 05 61 if needed.
  • For your special needs, please contact

Please contact us for your special needs mentioned below:

  • Translation support
  • Sign language translation
  • Transportation support for disabled participants
  • Participation with kids / nursery service
  • Vegetarian and personalized catering due to health reasons
  • Other

Your contributions to Advisory Board Meeting and EU Climate Action Fair in which Sivil Düşün and other European Union funds, public resources, civil society contribution to private sector, rights-based studies will be discussed, will be appreciated.