Promoting Rural Ankara with Innovation Project reached out to 550 individuals in the first three months

Ankara Development Agency which promotes innovation in rural Ankara, completed the second training program in Akyurt, Haymana and Kızılcahamam for the policy makers and implementers. The project which reached out to 350 people through seminars to raise awareness for innovation in Beypazarı, Çubuk, Kızılcahamam, Nallıhan and Polatlı districts earlier, increased this number to 550 with these recent trainings.

Experts from the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency which is the project partner from EU, shared the best practices with the policy makers from the public institutions and civil society representatives in rural Ankara. Trainings on innovation based policies for agriculture, agriculture-based industry and tourism sectors were held.

On-the-job trainings were held with the participation of farmers and participants from agriculture-based industry and tourism enterprises. The trainings which constitute the first phase of the project were completed successfully as the second phase took start with the development of the rural innovation map.

For more information about the project, please visit