Project Kick-Off Meetings

The projects that received grants under the fourth phase of the Civil Society Dialogue are having their kick-off meetings.

Please see below brief information about these meetings.

  • The kick-off meeting of the “Entrepreneurial Development with European Dimension” Project implemented by Markalaşma Yenilikçilik ve Kalite Geliştirme Derneği was held on March 23, 2016 with the participation of the foreign partners. The project is focusing on all aspects of local products and entrepreneurship.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Empowering Consumer Rights” Project implemented by Tüketiciyi Koruma ve Dayanışma Birliği Derneği was held on March 24, 2016. The project aims to increase the capacity of consumer rights associations, to protect the  economic and legal interests of consumers through the online TRACORE e-learning tool and to raise awareness for consumer rights.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Clean Energy in Kars Tourism” Project run by Kars Oteller ve Lokantalar Derneği was held on March 31, 2016. The project aims to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable development in tourism sector and to develop a toolkit and supporting materials for planning invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
  •  Türkiye Finans Yöneticileri Vakfı shared the objectives of the “Entrepreneurial Skills by EU Network” Project through a press meeting. The project aims to support entrepreneurial learning and development of entrepreneurial skills by entrepreneurial training for students and finance management training for SMEs.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Empower EU-TR Dialogue on Fishery” Project which is implemented by Haliéus from Italy in partnership with Rize İli Deniz Ürünleri Avcıları Üreticileri Birliği was held on March 31, 2016. The projects aims to improve the fishery production capacity and market organization competency of Rize Province Seafood Fishers Producers Union.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Power of Civil Society Against Human Trafficking” Project implemented  under the leadership of Aile Danışmanları Derneği in collaboration with KOK from Germany and ARSIS from Greece was held in Antalya on March 31, 2016. The overall objective is to combat human trafficking through promoting and strengthening the networking, co-operation, exchange and dissemination of practices between NGOs in Turkey and the EU Member States.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Refugee Service Delivery” Project implemented International Catholic Migration Commission from Belgium and İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı was held in İstanbul on April 4, 2016. The project aims to promote best practice exchange, develop a pilot volunteering program and raise awareness on the needs of refugees.
  • The kick-off meeting of the “Implementation of EU Common Fisheries Policy in Gökova” Project which is run by Fauna & Flora International from England in collaboration with Akdeniz Koruma Derneği was held on Aprl 6, 2016. The long-term benefits of the project on the region, fishermen and ecosystem were emphasized in the meeting in which the stakeholders and project beneficiaries came together.

For more information about the project, please visit