“Media Ethics and Transparency” was put on the table in Germany!

“Media Ethics and Transparency” panel which was planned under the scope of the “Strengthening Cooperation in Media” Project implemented with the leadership of Kanal Avrupa Television, is held in Duisburg, Germany on December 13, 2015.

During the panel which attracted great attention, topics like professional principles and responsibilities; the effect of media on social quality; problems and challenges of local media; social media; transparency, freedom and ethics in media; and the past and future of Turkish media in Europe, were discussed.

The panel started with the opening remarks of Ali Paşa Akbaş, Kanal Avrupa Television General Director; Erkan Kocalar, Mayor of the City of Duisburg; Mustafa Kemal Basa, Turkey’s Consul General in Essen; and Cenk Koray Doğan, General Director of Basın İlan Kurumu.

Ali Paşa Akbaş, Kanal Avrupa Television General Director, mentioned during his speech that their job and  mission were to bring media together and to discuss how the problems and difficulties could be resolved and how solutions could be found. He also said “We have been fighting for the success of media which is the most important factor for the future of our society. We wanted to bring you all together for this. The experts are here and everybody will talk today!”.

The project which is conducted under Civil Society Dialogue Program aims to increase the dialogue and cooperation between German and Turkish media corporations and CSOs; and to eliminate the false perception by informing public, besides media workers, about EU policies, Turkey-EU relations, Turkey’s EU accession process and the process’ effect on daily life.