Have you applied for İzmir and Eskişehir Dialogue Seminars?

The Dialogue Seminars which bring together representatives of media, CSOs, and public sector and aim to strengthen the dialogue and collaboration between them, will be held in İzmir and Eskişehir.

Civil society organizations whose activities have an important role in EU-Turkey relations, media workers who ensure that results of these activities are spread through society by sharing them with public, and representatives from public organizations who lead the accession process between Turkey and EU, come together in the Dialogue Seminars which are organized in selected provinces of Turkey and open to participation nationwide.

The first seminar was held in Antalya in April and continued in İstanbul, Gaziantep, and Samsun after almost 60 participants draw a road map for strengthening this threefold communication and collaboration in their regions. The last two stops for the Dialogue Seminars are İzmir and Eskişehir.

October 1 is the deadline for application for the İzmir seminar which will be held on 14-15 October. CSO representatives and media organizations can apply by filling the forms on our website and sending them to info@siviltoplumdiyalogu.org.

On the other hand, the seminar which was planned to be held in Konya on 11-12 November will be held in Eskişehir and the deadline for application is October 23. Media members and CSO representatives can apply by filling the forms on our website and sending them to info@siviltoplumdiyalogu.org by mail.

Please check our website for detailed information about dialogue seminars and outcomes of the completed seminars. Also, please don’t forget to register for the “To Understand, To Express, and To Agree” seminar which will be given by experts in their sectors.