Disability Rights Trainings are Continuing!

Disability Rights Monitoring and Advocacy trainings for organizations working in the field of disability are continuing under the “All for Rights, Rights for All” Project conducted by Türkiye Gençlik Birliği Derneği.

Participants with vision and hearing impairments and orthopedic disabilities as well as civil society representatives from different provinces participated in the meeting in which the third module is studied last week.

Common and comprehensive training methods are used in the training. Süleyman Akbulut, Hakan Özgül, İdil Seda Ak and Özgür Mehmet Kütküt participated as trainers and gave lectures on disability, fight against disability-based discrimination, national and international regulations, disability rights monitoring and advocacy methods, administrative-legal interventions, public awareness practices, use of new media in advocacy and campaign production.

It is aimed to increase the participating NGOs’ awareness and knowledge in disability rights and to strengthen the dialogue, communication, and collaboration between NGOs through trainings. The last of 6 trainings will be conducted in Ankara between 9 and 13 September 2015.

For detailed information about the project: http://haklarherkesicin.org