Cancer Will Not Be Our Faith

Civil Society Dialogue Program, together with LOSEV, says “stop” to cancer! Nationwide campaigns on public awareness and school seminars on cancers and prevention are organized under the scope of “Cancer Will Not Be Our Faith” Project conducted by LOSEV. 

Home visits are held during the project’s summer period and families are informed about patient rights and treatment process, and help is provided upon needs assessment.

What is patient right?

It can be considered as the adaptation of human rights to health services. Patient rights are based on the international human rights and declarations. The Declaration of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient approved by the World Medical Association in 1981, is the fundamental document.

What are the human rights in our country?

  • Right to use health services in accordance with justice and equity
  • Right to ask for knowledge
  • Right to choose and change the health facility (unless changing the health facility is medically appropriate and does not have life-threating consequences)
  • Right to know, choose and change health staff
  • Intervention prohibition except medical requirements
  • Euthanasia prohibition
  • Right to receive medical attention
  • Right to investigate records
  • Right to ask for revisions in the records
  • Right to ask for information
  • Right to ask for priority
  • Right to receive medically appropriate diagnosis, treatment and care
  • Right for respect for privacy
  • Right to not being subject to involuntary medical procedures
  • Right for confidentiality
  • Right to reject and stop treatment
  • Right to have security
  • Right to perform religious obligations and benefit from religious services
  • Right to have respect for human values and right for visits
  • Right to have a companion
  • Right to application, complain and file charges.

LÖSEV invites us to learn, use and demand for our rights under the “Cancer Will Not be Our Faith” Project.