Representatives of Media, CSO and Public has drawn the Road Map of Dialogue

Over 50 participants from media, civil society and public sectors attended the Dialogue Seminar in İstanbul organised on 13-14 May.

The Dialogue Seminar, participated by local administration officers from a variety of İstanbul districts as well as local and national media actors, has started with a Panel entitled “To understand, to Express and to Agree”.

In the Panel, experts from 3 sectors has shared their experience and views on the role of each sector in communicating the work in EU-Turkey relations and its impact on everyday life of the community.

Dr Mehmet Cangir, Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry for European Union Affairs, has emphasized their commitment to involve different sectors in this process and their efforts to come together both with media and CSO representatives to work on a roadmap for future activities of the Ministry. Dr Cangir also stated the role of Dialogue Seminars for this commitment and that they will continue their efforts for a better collaboration with these sectors as part of the New EU Communication Strategy of the Ministry.

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Media-CSO-Public Co-operation for a stronger Dialogue

As part of the Dialogue Seminar started just after the Panel and lasted for 1.5 days, participants had the chance to design public relations campaigns to inform public on the EU-Turkey relations and its results in a more effective way. They also had the chance to work with experts in the field, in the workshops organised.

In the last part of the Seminar, participants have defined their roadmap for their regions in terms of how they can work closer and in a co-ordinated way as representatives of the three sectors.

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