A Cultural Mosaic: Social Media and Minorities

“Social Media Freedom and Non-Muslim Minorities” Project which was conducted by Yenikoy Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church and School in collaboration with İstanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Center and ELIAMEP Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy ended with a closing meeting in Ankara on January 26, 2016.

“Social Media Freedom and Non-Muslim Minorities” which was the first EU project run by a minority foundation aimed to investigate the social media usage habits of minorities, to inspect the role of social media in social relations and the determine the obstacles against the recognition of differences in social media and freedom of expression.

Laki Vingas, the representative of Minority Foundations, emphasized the power of social media and the importance of multiculturalism in social media usage in his opening remarks.

During his speech, Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ambassador Volkan Bozkır mentioned that the “Social Media Freedom and Non-Muslim Minorities” Project was important for addressing the freedom of expression and the dialogue established with different faith groups contributed to the establishment of a mutual understanding, unity and solidarity environment.

The closing event ended with the project documentary following the presentation of the data obtained from the survey study by Rita Ender.

For more information about the project, please visit http://www.sosyalmedyaveazinliklar.com/