EU-Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue Programme

Programme Details

Programming Year : 2014
Reference Document :2014 Action Document
Beneficiary :Yunus Emre Enstitüsü
Contract Type : Grant
Starting Date : 10.01.2019
Grant Projects Start Date: 01.02.2019

Programme Scope

It was prepared with inspiration from the Civil Society Dialogue Grant Programmes (CSD I, II, III, IV) carried out by the Directorate for EU Affairs (DEUA) since 2008, and the Cultural Bridges Grant Programs carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the period 2009-2010 in light of the increasing importance of intercultural dialogue today.

EU-Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue Project was carried out within the scope of the Civil Society Sub-Sector 2014 programming. DEUA

As the leading institution of the civil society sub-sector, DEUA served as the institution responsible for the overall coordination and monitoring of the project. The project coordinator institution is Yunus Emre Institute. Yunus Emre Institute is under the general supervision of the Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU); it took on a role responsible for the implementation, management, sustainability of the project and monitoring of the projects that were eligible to receive grants. As the Contracting Authority, CFCU served as the institution responsible for the administrative and financial implementation of the project. CFCU as the institution responsible for tenders, contracts, and payments, it has also taken the highest level of responsibility for the proper utilisation of grants.

The total budget of the EU-Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue Project was 3 million euros. The project consisted of “Technical Support” and “Grant” components.

  • Technical Support Component

1 million euros of the project was used to develop the institutional capacity of Yunus Emre Institute on intercultural dialogue.

  • Grant Component

2 million euros of the project was allocated for grant projects to be carried out by the European Cultural Institutes with their partners in Türkiye. The aim was to establish an effective network between cultural institutes in the EU and Türkiye, together with intensive cultural exchanges within the framework of grant projects and collaborative activities.

Projects of four cultural institutes of EU member countries working in areas such as cultural cooperation and cultural exchange together with its partners, CSOs in Türkiye were entitled to receive grants within the scope of the grant component. Four projects, consisting of many cultural events in the fields of literature, archaeology, cinema, poetry, history, and music, which started to be implemented as of February 2019, explained the interaction created by the synthesis of different cultures and geographies in various ways. Projects contributed to the development and implementation of long-term, multilateral/multinational joint cultural initiatives in Türkiye and the EU, and to increase the visibility of the civil society dialogue between the EU and Türkiye.

Project Outputs:

Click to download the EU-Türkiye Intercultural Dialogue Project brochure.

Click for the book Tales from the Danube.

Click for the Anthology of 12th year of the Istanbul International Literature Festival (ITEF).