BİRLİKTE Support Programme

Programme Details

Programming Year : 2015

Reference Document : 2015 Action Document

Beneficiary : Civil Society Development Center

Contract Type : Direct Grant, Grant

Starting Date : March 15, 2019

Programme Scope

BİRLİKTE Support Programme is a sub-grant mechanism designed for contributing to help CSOs that carry out rights-based activities continue their existence, contribute them to fulfil their fundamental purposes and get institutional development/strength.

BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program is characterised by the simultaneous execution of three support mechanisms:

  • Institutional grants to meet the basic needs of CSOs,
  • Mentorship programme that will contribute to the institutional development and strengthening of CSOs,
  • Interaction/exchange network (BİRLİKTE Network), which will facilitate and strengthen interaction and collaboration among CSOs and with other civil society actors.

What is Sub-Grant Programme?

We are implementing BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program, which is supported by the European Union (EU) as a sub-grant programme. Sub-grant application, in general terms, means providing in-kind and/or financial contribution by a CSO using EU grant to third parties on the condition that they are compatible with their aims and objectives and prespecified conditions. Sub-grant application started to draw attention as a mechanism increasingly applied for providing smaller scaled financing opportunities and easing grant management under the projects supported in grant programmes applied by the EU.

BİRLİKTE Support Programme, as a sub-grant application, is actualised in 2018 as a comprehensive first example providing institutional grant support and applied in national scale. Currently, the program is being implemented under the project “TOGETHER for Rights-Based Civil Society Organisations in Turkey”.

You can access the full list of CSOs contracted within the scope of the program here.