Call for Proposal for new grant opportunities

In 2015 the Civil Society Dialogue continues with new call for proposals for new grant projects. In this fourth phase of the programme, projects across nine acquis and policy areas of the EU will be supported with a total budget of 11 million Euros. These areas will include Environment; Energy; Consumer and Health Protection; Justice, Freedom and Security; Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services; Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Elements; Enterprise and Industrial Policy; Agriculture and Fisheries; and Education.

In this nine schemes projects will be financed by a maximum of 150 thousand Euro grant support. The implementation period of financed projects will be minimum 10 and maximum 15 months. The applications for grant will be in English and will be directly submitted to the Central Finance and Contracting Unit.


The application to Civil Society Dialogue grant scheme requires an applicant and a co-applicant as a partner. For that, civil society organisations applying from Turkey should secure at least one co-applicant from EU member states and civil society organisations applying from EU member states are required to secure at least one co-applicant from Turkey.


Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Nature conservation
  • Climate action



Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States),universities, municipalities and unions of municipalities, chambers (except for TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS members), federations, confederations, unions, bars

1.778.000 25 May 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy
  • Electricity and natural gas
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)



Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)

1.000.000 25 May 2015




Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Consumer rights
  • Public health
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)



Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)

1.000.000 25 May 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Migration, asylum and fight against human trafficking
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)



Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), universities, think tanks, chambers (except for TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS members), federations, confederations, unions, bars

1.000.000 01 June 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Cooperation among professional organisations for a better understanding of the mutual recognition of professional qualifications system established in the EU countries
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), chambers (except for TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS members), federations, confederations, unions, bars, employer and trade unions


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), chambers (except for TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS members), federations, confederations, unions, bars, employer and trade unions

1.000.000 01 June 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Sustainable development and strategic planning in regional development
  • Economic development models and analytical tools for Development Agencies
  • Common database for regional policy design
  • Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of development policies
  • Effective partnership in regional planning
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), Development Agencies


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), Development Agencies

1.000.000 05 June 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Entrepreneurial learning and development of entrepreneurial skills
  • Improvement of energy and environmental performances of products and production lines
  • Exchange of information, experiences, and best practices to adopt environment sensitive and energy efficient products, technologies and production processes.
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)

1.000.000 05 June 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Agriculture and Rural Development,
  • Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary,
  • Fisheries
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), cooperatives, producers’ unions, exporters unions, chambers of agriculture, federations, confederations

2.000.000 05 June 2015



Priority Areas Eligible Applicants Eligible Co-applicants Total Budget (Euro) Application Deadline

  • Combatting with early school leaving,
  • Developing key competences for lifelong learning (such as digital competence, learning to learn, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship),
  • Improving teachers professional and pedagogical development,
  • Pre-school education
  • Quality in adult learning
Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States)


Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) (Associations, foundations

federations and confederations of associations or foundations in Turkey; not-for-profit organizations in the EU Member States), universities, chambers (except for TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS members) , federations, confederations, unions

1.000.000 01 June 2015


Environment Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Energy Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Consumer and Health Protection Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Justice, Freedom and Security Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Education Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Enterprise and Industrial Policy Grant Scheme – Documents for Application

Agriculture and Fishery Grant Scheme – Documents for Application