Children met with “Empowering Vulnerable Children Through Human Rights & Film” Project

“Empowering Vulnerable Children Through Human Rights & Film” Project came together with the children working in hazelnut harvesting. The project is carried out by Başak Kültür ve Sanat Vakfı in collaboration with Van Bar and DW-RS Producties from Holland under Civil Society Dialogue Program and funded by European Union and Ministry of European Union Affairs.

Within the framework of project, human rights and film workshops are held in Support to Life’s Fatsa Summer Camp on 26-28 August for the children of hazelnut worker families. During the 3-day trainings, children shot 2 short films about the children’s right to education, play and recreation.

During the projects’ activities in Ordu, workshops are conducted for children aged 14-18 by the actor-director Derya Durmaz, the American director-academician Theron Patterson, and the director of Van Bar Murat Timur. In addition, a meeting was held in Ordu Women Enpowerment Association on August 29 to discuss the conditions of children working in hazelnut harvesting and approaches for the improvement of these conditions. It was decided that one of the most important needs is advocacy for the basic rights of worker families and children.

Besides Bitlis, human rights and film workshops have been conducted for vulnerable children in Van, Soma, Batman, Amsterdam, Dersim, and Hatay within the scope of the “Empowering Vulnerable Children Through Human Rights & Film” Project which is planned to be completed in 14 months.

The next stops of the project will be Istanbul and Denizli.