Civil Society Dialogue Sixth Phase (CSD VI) (2021-2023)

Like the previous period, the “Civil Society Dialogue VI between the EU and Türkiye” designed during the IPA II 2014-2020 period was similarly planned to focus on the results of the dialogue to be created by CSOs, without any limitation on a topic or theme. In this context, in addition to activities aimed at informing the public in Türkiye and the EU regarding Türkiye’s EU membership process, cooperation, partnership and networking activities on the EU acquis and related issues were supported.

Within the scope of CSD VI, 4.7 million euros of grant support was provided to 33 projects.

More than 4,000 participants from 251 CSOs benefited from 334 trainings organized within the scope of recently implemented projects. In addition to the trainings, 31 events were organised in the EU and 120 in Türkiye. 8,250 people participated in the events. 33 partnership/goodwill statements were signed between CSOs in the EU and Türkiye.

As part of the promotion and awareness activities of the projects, 78 videos were created, and 15 TV/radio programs were produced. Approximately 7 million people were reached through the Programme’s social media campaigns. The digital exhibition, prepared to promote the projects supported within the scope of the CSD VI Programme, met with the participants at the closing event. As part of the Programme’s visibility efforts, four short films were also created. The projects were also promoted through newsletters prepared under various titles such as “Dialogue for All Generations”, “Dialogue Through A Variety of Platforms”, “Snapshots of Dialogue”, and “Disaster Relief Efforts”.

The CSD VI compendium can be accessed here.