Civil Society Sector Grant Scheme for Partnerships and Networks Brussels Information Day

This new grant scheme of Ministry for EU Affairs, aiming to strengthen the partnerships and networks amongst CSOs, is being introduced to relevant parties in Europe at an information day to be organised in Brussels.

The grant scheme was launched on 3 July 2017 and up until now, over 1500 interested audiences from different groups including CSOs, municipalities, universities, development agencies and public institutions, were reached through the information days organised across Turkey.

Now the grant scheme, which EU based CSOs can also benefit from to strengthen their cooperation with CSOs from Turkey, will be introduced to European audience from different countries on Thursday, 14 September 2017 at TOBB IKV Office in Brussels. Representatives from the Ministry for EU Affairs and Central Finance and Contracting Unit will be present at this information day to respond to the questions of the interested parties.

At the meeting, participants will have the chance to get information on the details of grant scheme including application and evaluation procedures, how to structure partnerships for their projects, what could be the possible project activities and budgets. Project proposals structured through the right partnership model with specific objectives directly responding to the objectives of the Grant Scheme may be awarded up to a grant of 500 thousand euros.

Details on grant scheme and application guidelines for Partnerships and Networks Grant Scheme can be found at and websites.

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