Closing Meeting of the Women on the Move Project

Women on the Move project was completed with an exhibition, a panel and a touching documentary.

The Women on the Move project, jointly conducted by the Women and Democracy Association (KADEM), the International Association of Refugee Rights from Turkey (UMHD) and EUROCULTURA from Italy, shared the results of the one-year intensive work at the closing meeting. The president of KADEM Assoc. Dr. Sare Aydın Yılmaz; Vice President of KADEM Sümeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar; members of the board of directors and Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of the European Union, Dr. Mehmet Cangir also attended the meeting. The closing event, which began with the exhibition of the Syrian artist Sumaya Khadre, continued with the International Refugee Women Panel. It ended with the premiere of the documentary named “Ayrılık (Seperation)“.

The project, which is conducted to identify the real problems female refugees face and their needs, also aimed to raise awareness on the legal rights and regulations for refugees. Various trainings were provided in this regard. Workshops were held. More than 400 Syrian women were interviewed in Turkey to find out how much they know about their legal rights, what the missing points are, what they think about the services provided and their needs. Best practices in Europe and Turkey on refugee and refugee integration were explored. A documentary called ‘Ayrılık’ was filmed.

The documentary included life stories of 8 refugee women who live in or out of camps in İstanbul, Gaziantep and Hatay. It tells the story of women, including the artist Sumaya Khadre, from different professions such as French teacher, mathematics teacher, economist, civil engineer in Syria, who set up a new life after immigrating to Turkey. ‘Separation’ is also an important step towards breaking down the false perception of refugees in the public by creating awareness through different female profiles.