Compost/Black Gold Movement begins in Turkey!

Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği started the implementation of their project to work with municipalities under the scope of their Turkey Composts! Project. 

Through the project, municipalities will be informed about the best practices in solid waste and compost in Europe. They will gain knowledge and experience in composting and establishing facilities for compost. Thus, the ground will be set for the promotion of composting. The project also aims to raise awareness for a large-scale composting in Turkey by moving together with various public institutions including municipalities and ministries.

21 Municipalities who responded to the questionnaire increase awareness by travelling to Europe
A situation and needs analysis questionnaire was prepared in order to identify the current situation of municipalities in regard to bio/organic solid waste disposal. (please click…/1CtNKPdJ51C8lgnPuTUxFHt…/viewform…).

Representatives of 21 municipalities will travel to Europe to observe the waste management and composting systems in touristic, rural and urban areas. Additionally, the questionnaire will serve as a road map for establishment and management of composting facilities in municipality-scale in Turkey.

Why Compost?
Using the waste, which is referred to as black gold by some people, as compost is not only a support for environmental issues or a solution for garbage problem. It also provides a basis for the improvement of soil quality and humus, hence enables the development of fertile soil. Composting contributes to economy.

Research based on the fact that a citizen throws away approximately 1.5 kg of waste, reveals that the percentage of organic matter in waste is very high in Turkey. The proportion of organic waste which is required for good quality compost is an important criteria. For example, it has been determined that the organic matter consisted of 55% of municipal waste in İstanbul. Likewise, the paper/board group was next in ranking with a proportion of 16%.

Briefly, preventing even a fraction of that amount from going to dumps/landfills by composting makes an enormous impact on global climate change and protecting the environment.

What are the benefits of compost?

  • It makes good use of organic waste. It prevents pollution by transforming organic waste to a useful and valuable resource through natural processes.
  • It improves soil structure. It increases the aggregate formation since it increases the amount of organic matter production in loam. Aggregate allows the soil to breathe, it absorbs moisture and decreases vaporization.It prevents erosion by absorbing the rain water. 100 kg of humus can hold approximately 195 kg of water.
  • It ventilates the soil. It creates a breathable layer in the upper part of the soil and enables various species to move freely in an healthy space. Thus, the soil is ventilated easily. For example, when the plant roots get air easily, potassium intake gets easier too. The nutrient required becomes available on time. It is not only a nutritional source but a nutritional storage as well.
  • It neutralizes the toxins in the soil. Toxic material and heavy metals stabilizes so that they can’t be absorbed by the roots. Compost is used to rehabilitate the pooluted soil.
  • It regulates the pH level of the soil.
  • It accelerates the growth and strengthens the plants. The growth accelerates due to the humic acid in the soil even in very low density.