Countdown Has Begun for the Sun Festival

Karsiyaka Renewable Energy Association is organizing a 4-day festival on 11-14 January 2017 under the framework of the Solar Energy & Energy Efficiency Project, which is run in collaboration with the Italian Kyoto Club under the EU Civil Society Dialogue Program.

The project partners coming from Italy will meet with climate change, solar energy experts and civil society leaders, as well as with partners at booths opened by many educational and industrial organizations, at the GÜNFEST, which will be organized at İzmir Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center. Competitions will be organized in renewable energy, solar energy, energy efficiency and climate change under four themes (Caricature, poetry, science communication presentation and short film).

Karsiyaka Renewable Energy Association invites all solar volunteers to this festival which will last for 4 days.

Venue: Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center
Bayraklı / İzmir
Dates: 11-12-13-14 January 2017

Caricature, poetry, science communication presentation and short film subjects: Solar Energy, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Climate Change
Deadline for application: 20 December 2016
Applications can be send by e-mail to or mailed or hand delivered to1717 Cad. No: 58/417 Ses Pasajı Karsiyaka. (You can find the PowerPoint draft for the science communication presentation at the below mentioned website of the association.)

For more information about the project:
Hazal Coşkun (Project Public Relations Manager)
Tel: +90 554 897 86 14
Facebook: Güneş Enerjisi & Enerji Verimliliği Projesi

Karsiyaka Renewable Energy Association is also organizing a workshop under the scope of the festival. The workshop, which will be held for 3 days between 12-14 January 2017, will be moderated by Kyoto Club Director Sergio Andreis, Eugenio Barchiesi from Kyoto Club Energy Efficiency Division and AzzeroCO2 technical expert Alessandro Martella.

Participants of the workshop will also be able to get detailed information about the sector by visiting the booths of companies, NGOs and educational institutions that work and operate on energy. Karsiyaka Renewable Energy Association invites everyone to Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center who wants to share knowledge and experience in renewable energy, solar energy systems, climate change and energy efficiency issues and who are looking for answers.

Application form for participating in workshops:

Participation in the workshop is free and the workshop will be held in English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Venue: Tepekule Congress and Exhibition Center Bayraklı / İzmir
Dates: 12-13-14 January 2017
Time: 10.00-14.30

For more information:
Hazal Coşkun – Project Public Relations Manager
Cell : +90 554 897 86 14