Development Agencies Met for the Civil Society

“The Consultation Meeting on the Works Carried out by the Development Agencies in the Field of Civil Society and the Projects can be Implemented within the scope of EU Financial Assistance” was held in Ankara on September 16, 2021. The opening speeches of the event, which was organized to strengthen the relations of development agencies with civil society, were made by Bülent Özcan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs, Director-General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation, and Barış Yeniceri, General Manager of Development Agencies, Ministry of Industry and Technology. The development agencies participating in the meeting made their presentations and gave information about the current situation in their regions.

During the Search Meeting held in the afternoon, needs and limitations of CSOs in Agency Regions; cooperation between civil society, public, private sector and Development Agencies situation analysis and recommendations, improving the role of CSOs in local development and strengthening their economic activities and cooperation opportunities and projects that can be developed within the scope of EU Financial Assistance and Union Programmes were discussed. After the presentation of the findings obtained as a result of the consultations, the road map for the upcoming period was determined and the event ended.