Dialogue over Fairy Chimneys!

The Turkey tour of the play titled “Yer ve Gök Arasında, Köroğlu” which is produced and staged between 2-14 December 2015 within the framework of the “Contemplations” Project implemented by CRT St Blaise from France and Visual Arts Center (Görsel Sanatlar Merkezi), ended.

The play met with the audience in İstanbul, Ankara and Nevşehir and attracted great attention. The team of players invited young people and children to the stage during the play and let the audience feel the magic of dialogue and sharing through a live experience.

Thematic meetings and activities were also held within the framework of the tour in order to improve dialogue in cultural and artistic levels and to create awareness against discrimination. The participants had the opportunity to share their ideas and explore different viewpoints in these meetings. Thematic meetings were accompanied by songs, dance performances and theatrical studies. The participants also had the opportunity to share a spectacular experience by viewing the World Heritage Cappadocia from hot air balloons.

“Yer ve Gök Arasında, Köroğlu” team will continue to meet with the audience in Turkey, France and many other countries after the end of the project.

For more information about the project and photo gallery, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/seyirler/