elele Culture and Art CSO Network Portal is Online

The Culture and Art CSO Network Portal is ready for the use of all CSOs; to follow the CSOs that carry out rights-based culture and arts activities and to strengthen the communication between them.

The Culture and Art CSO Network Portal, which was implemented within the scope of the Dialogue for Change through Culture and Art (elele) Project, aims to facilitate the needs in the fields of communication and coordination by bringing together all CSOs operating in this field. The portal that will bring CSOs together under the same roof;

  • Being aware of and reaching institutions operating in similar fields,
  • Finding partners for project ideas and developing collaborations,
  • Making the volunteer/member network more active and stronger,
  • Bringing the cultural and artistic events (performance/ arts events, workshops, interviews, research, etc.) to be organized to a wider audience,
  • It was established to follow all open calls made by the public and private sectors in Turkey and Europe.