Entrepreneurial Experiences of 5 European Countries are Being Transferred to Turkey!

Entrepreneurial Development with European Dimension Project Transfers the Experiences of 5 European Countries to Turkey!

Entrepreneurial Development with European Dimension project carried out by Markalaşma Yenilikçilik ve Kalite Geliştirme Derneği (MARKAYDER) continues its activities at full speed to strengthen the cooperation between civil society organizations in Turkey and the EU on enterprise and industrial policies.

MARKAYDER established partnerships with the Czech Republic (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Artisans Association), Poland (Regional Development Foundation), Greece (Entrepreneurship Development Institute), Italy (Moliseverso il 2000 Association) and Slovenia (Slovenia Development Association) from Europe and Aydın Genç İşadamları Derneği from Turkey to improve entrepreneurship skills and raise awareness on local products, branding and geographical indications under the project.

In six study visits to Europe, enterprises successful in the field of entrepreneurship and local products were visited, information was exchanged and cultural similarities/differences were assessed. The project worked on disseminating the best practices in Europe and in Turkey regarding entrepreneurship training and skills development, and hosted numerous activities in this scope. Public institutions, young entrepreneurs, chambers of industry and commerce, various businessmen and associations were brought together in the training sessions, networking meetings and panels on entrepreneurship. Meetings were held on entrepreneurship opportunities in the European countries and in Turkey with the participation of successful entrepreneur speakers.

In the panel held in Aydın, topics such as geographical indications in Turkey and Europe, and consumer behaviours and businesses regarding geographical indications were discussed. Development Agency, Provincial Directorates, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Commodity Exchange, academicians and university students were brought together.

The project will organize 4 seminars and a “success stories” panel on entrepreneurship in 2017. Entrepreneurship with European Dimension Guidelines and Geographical Indications and Current Situation Analysis with European Dimension book will be published. Thus, the project will reach 5000 people.

For more information about the project, please visit http://www.markayder.org/index.html