Information Day in İstanbul for the New Phase of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme

The fourth phase of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme, designed and implemented by the Ministry for European Union Affairs has started with project calls. On 6 May 2015, an information day was organized in İstanbul, with the participation of Ambassador Volkan Bozkır, Minister for European Union Affairs and Chief Negotiator.

The info-day has started with the opening speech by Emine Döğer, Acting PAO at CFCU and a speech by Minister Bozkır, through which he emphasized the role of a stronger civil society in reaching the EU membership target. Minister Bozkır also underlined their commitment to get together with civil society organizations whenever possible to discuss a better collaboration.

The info day was attended by over 300 representatives form civil society world and they were informed about the new grant opportunities under the Programme and on how to develop projects for these grants.

The final info days will be held in Ankara on 8 May.

It is possible to reach detailed information on grants available and how to apply through our website.