“Innovative Methods Against Human Rights Violations” Project ended on stage!

Innovative Methods Against Human Rights Violations Project” which is implemented by Collective Awareness Association and its British partner Balik Arts Foundation under the scope of Civil Society Dialogue ended with a final event on December 11, 2015.

The play titled “A Fine Sunday” which was produced under the scope of the project and performed by the Street Theatre approach, met with the audience for the last time during the closing event of the 14-month project in Karabağlar Municipality Culture Center. The Street Theatre which was performed in Karabağ’s 5 different districts during summer had attracted great attention and admiration.

The project aimed to improve the capacities of CSOs working in the field of human rights through the analysis of the best practices in EU member states. It also contributed to the establishment of a sustainable collaboration and communication network between the CSOs in Turkey and EU member states.