IVME Project’s Significant Contributions to Media in Bolu

The “Increasing the Vitality of Media Entities regarding EU related issues (IVME)” Project which is the first European Union project for Bolu Media and implemented under Medyalog Production’s  leadership ended with a closing meeting.

The media workers in Bolu participated in the closing meeting. The project coordinator Ferah Özer gave a briefing about the activities conducted during the project year and said that Bolu Media gained significant achievements about European Union issues. Bülent Velioğlu, President of the Journalists Association of Bolu mentioned that Bolu Media was lucky to have such a project and said “The media in Bolu is now in a different place. We had the opportunity to compare ourselves with the media organizations in Europe during our study visits. Where are we? Where should we be? How can we reach to a better level? We had the chance to think about these. Of course, our biggest gain is to better comprehend the European Union process of our country and the reason why we have such a goal.”

At the end of the meeting, the press workers who took active role in the project shared their wishes and recommendations.

For more information about the project and photo gallery, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/avrupa-birligi-ile-ilgili-konularda-medya-kuruluslarinin-kapasitesinin-arttirilmasi/