Technical Assistance for Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies for Public-CSO Cooperation

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Programming Year: 2014
Reference Document: 2014 Action Document
Beneficiary: Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services
Contract Type: Grant
Starting Date: May 14, 2018

Programme Scope

‘Technical Assistance for Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies for Public-CSO Cooperation’, financed by the EU and Türkiye, implemented by Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and the Directorate for EU Affairs (DEUA), with the contracting authority being the Ministry of Treasury and Finance Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU), was implemented for 24 months between May 2018 and May 2020.

The project in general aims to strengthen the cooperation between the public and NGOs, and specifically between the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and NGOs working in the field of social policy. The project aims to support the development of civil society through a more active democratic participation in policy-making and decision-making processes and by promoting a culture of fundamental rights and dialogue.

The outputs are as follow:

Output 1: Increasing the capacity of the MoFLSS and CSOs in terms of mutual policy making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Output 2: Increasing the capacity of CSOs regarding legal assistance and counselling.

Output 3: Preparing Code of Conduct and increasing the capacity and experience of both public sector and CSOs on negotiation within the scope of negotiation preparations for the “Chapter 19: Social Policy and Employment” during the accession process.

Output 4: Strengthening the cooperation among CSOs and between CSOs and the MoFLSS and relevant public institutions in the field of social policy.


Project activities are carried out with the participation from 10 pilot and their neighbouring provinces.

Pilot Provinces Neighbouring provinces
Erzurum Artvin, Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı, Muş, Bingöl, Erzincan
İstanbul Tekirdağ
Bursa Yalova, Kocaeli, Bilecik, Kütahya, Balıkesir
Ankara Eskişehir, Bolu, Çankırı, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Aksaray
Trabzon Giresun, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Rize
Diyarbakır Malatya, Adıyaman, Elazığ, Batman, Mardin
Antalya Muğla, Burdur, Isparta, Konya, Karaman
Gaziantep Şanlıurfa, Kilis, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş
İzmir Manisa, Aydın
Adana Mersin, Niğde, Kayseri, Osmaniye

Some activities carried out within the scope of the project are:

  • Opening Conference
  • Lessons Learned Panel and Internal Stakeholders Board Meeting
  • Mapping Studies
  • Steering Committee Meetings
  • 1st Consultation Event
  • CSO Information and Consultancy Help Desk (Project Development Support Desk)
  • Paper on Best Practices regarding Public-CSO Consultation
  • Capacity Building Training Activities
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
1st Round Training Programme

December 2018 – January 2019

 Quality Service Delivery in Social Sector- I  Quality Service Delivery in Social Sector- II Organisational Capacity –
Advocacy and Communication
2nd Round Training Programme

February – April 2019

Project Management Cycle I Project Management Cycle II Volunteer Management and Community Mobilisation
3rd Round Training Programme

March – July 2019

Resource Mobilisation (fundraising), Management and Strategic Planning Participation and Involvement
Cooperation with Local Authorities
Legal Environment for CSOs
  • Information Meeting for High-Level Managers on Code of Conduct
  • Training Activities on Code of Conduct
  • Guideline on Code of Conduct
  • Study Visits
  • E-learning Platform
  • Modules
    • Social Policy Development Cycle and Social Service Development
    • Communication, Campaign and Social Media
    • Institutional and Legal Framework for CSO activities
    • Advocacy and Compliance with the Procedures
    • Effective Project Management System/ Project Cycle Management
    • Community Mobilisation and Volunteer Management Strategies
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Strategic Planning, Administrative Structure, Fundraising and Resource Mobilisation
  • Guidelines
    • Guideline on Quality Service Delivery by CSOs in Social Sector
    • Guideline on EU Practices in the Field of Social Policy
    • Guideline on Organisational Capacity of CSOs
    • Guideline on CSO Involvement in Policy Making
    • Guideline on Institutional Capacity of CSOs
  • Cooperation and Project Preparation Workshops

Project Outputs:

  1. Overview Guide to EU Social Policies
  2. Code of Conduct Guide for Public Sector-CSO Cooperation
  3. Guide to Increasing Quality Service Provision in CSOs in the Social Sector
  4. Guide to Institutional Capacity of CSOs
  5. Guide to the Capacity of CSOs to Participate in the Policy Cycle
  6. Guide for CSO Members to Participate in CSO Management
  7. Governance Model for the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services for Cooperation with CSOs and Plan for Future Actions
  8. Training Modules
  9. Best Practices Document on Public-CSO Consultation (International Experiences)