Mediterranean Dialogue Bridge Project Came to an End with a Conference in Gaziantep

The Mediterranean Dialogue Bridge project was finalised with a closing conference, one of the most important events thereof. More than 50 relevant people attended the conference considered as the last step for a more in-depth and better understanding by civil society in Turkey of the EU policies on the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees in terms of both legal framework and implementation. During the conference where the results of the activities performed for more than one year were discussed, two important documents were shared with the public.

The first section of the Joint Report reviews international conventions and laws concerning the protection of people on the move. It also analyses agreements concluded between the EU and Turkey on refugees and the impact thereof on the situation of refugees in Turkey. The second section evaluates asylum-seekers in Italy and Turkey in terms of national laws and the procedures developed and implemented in both countries are covered. Differences and similar approaches concerning the protection of the rights of refugees in Italy and Turkey are mentioned.

The Joint Report aims to improve the practical system of reception for migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers in both countries. It also aims to facilitate discussions to be made concerning social and legal provisions and the best practices by providing a more detailed overview of the relevant policies.

A Manual was also prepared for migration professionals in the EU, Italy and Turkey. This manual dealt with tips of the system to be developed so as to have a more sustainable perspective on the migrant problem and hints were given as to how social and political difficulties could be dealt with in cooperation. Participants of the conference shared their own thoughts, views and recommendations by asking questions to researchers following presentations.

Mediterranean Dialogue Bridge project where the Association for Solidarity With Asylum Seekers and Migrants from Turkey and Consorzio Communitas Onlus from Italy were partners and which was executed in cooperation with Coordinamento Delle Organizzazioni Per Il Servizio Vonontario aimed to increase the capacity and knowledge of local administrations and civil society organizations in terms of the asylum-seeker and migrants’ rights policies of the European Union. Both experiences which would play an important role in the management of these groups coming to Turkey, the integration thereof to the society and the protection of their needs and rights and good practices in Europe were transferred to local actors.