“Monopolization in Media Conference” Held in Giresun

“News Coverage on Turkish Media Landscape” Project which was implemented by Giresun Journalists Association in collaboration with Swedish Reporters Without Borders Association, ended on December 7, 2015 with a conference titled “Mobilization in Media” in Giresun Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The objectives of the project which was run under the scope of Civil Society Dialogue Program were to publish a series of columns about media mobilization in Turkey and Europe; and to transform them into a book to be sent to related institutions and establishments.

Zeynel Lule, Hurriyet Newspaper Brussels Ex-Representative; Haldun Domac, TV Programmer and Sports Writer; İsmail Ballı, İhlas News Agency General Director and Mustafa Kemal Erdemol, Birgün Newspaper Columnist participated in the conference as speakers.

Giresun Journalists Association Director and Project Coordinator Bekir Bayram said that more than 100 columns had been written under the project they had been running for more than a year and those would be compiled in a book in Englısh for use of the next generations.

For more information about the project, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/turk-medyasinda-haber-takibi/