New international cultural route from Europe to Turkey has been tested!

Europe to Turkey on Foot Project is working on a new cultural route. The new cultural route that will start in Italy and will go through Evliya Çelebi, Saint Paul and Lykia  roads is almost completed.

Renewal, cleaning and marking activities in some parts of the Evliya Çelebi Road and Saint Paul Road connected to İnegöl and Eğridir Municipalities respectivelyhave been completed earlier. Four cultural legacy management and tourism students and graduates from Italy and an expert from Greece tested and evaluated parts of the new route with the Turkish and Italian partners of the project.

The group started their walk which lasted for almost a week using the guiding booklet and map covering the route around İnegöl Municipality which were prepared under the scope of the project. The booklet and the map were also tested during the walk and the group evaluated many other issues like the efficiency of the markings, whether the hikers will get lost or not and the user-friendliness of the route.

The booklet and the map will be finalized according to the evaluations and will be printed under the framework of the Europe to Turkey on Foot Project which also contributes to sustainable tourism, rural development oriented tourism and outdoor sports. These two samples will serve as a model for other municipalities which are included in the new international route.

The logo and name for the new international cultural route are being prepared!
The Italian and Turkish partners of the project are almost done with the design of the new logo and name for the new route between Europe and Turkey. Once the final decision is made, the name and logo will be put on the signboards and will be widely used especially for the promotional activities.

An exhibition including the short videos and photos shot during the test walk will be held in İnegöl, Demre and Eğridir. Finally, reports about the conservation standards in Turkey and Europe including the cultural routes in Turkey will be prepared.