One Participation Project – Two Comprehensive Events

“Together: Enhancing Youth and CSOs Political Culture and Democratic Participation” Project which was implemented by Youth Services Center and Lunaria organized two important events in December.

The first organization was the “Good Practices Workshop” which was held in Antalya between 14 and 16 December 2015 with the participation of 24 CSO representatives from Turkey and Italy. This workshop was immediately followed the closing event of the project “EU-Turkey Dialogue Conference and CSO Fair” on 17-18 December.

During the Good Practices Workshop, challenges were discussed using the World Café technique which is a reformist approach in collective knowledge generation.  Group studies on topics like human resources, budget, networking on local, national and international level, reaching young people, youth participation, political reforms and legislations, human rights, and transparency were conducted, presentations were made and action plans were prepared.

“EU-Turkey Dialogue Conference and CSO Fair” which was the closing event of the project brought representatives from 100 organizations together. Participants had the opportunity to introduce their organizations and projects as well as to meet representatives from other organizations. Also, participants attended workshops, panels, documentary and slide shows on ecological literacy, social gender, rights of the youth, voluntarism, and democracy to update their knowledge.

During the conference, updated information on European Union – Turkey relations was shared and discussions on democracy, human rights, participation and political reforms were held with the contributions of experts from Europe and Turkey.

For more information about the project, please visit