Open Platform for Media Ethics Closing Conference

The closing conference of “Open Platform for Media Ethics (OPDIME)” implemented by Arı Hareketi Toplumsal Katılım ve Gelişim Derneği (ARI) was held in Istanbul on January 13, 2016.

During the project implementation, improvements on Turkish media during the period 1990 to 2000 has been reviewed from the media ownership perspective as well as current ethical climate in terms of human rights, freedom of press and freedom of expression. Media experts nominated by ARI Movement in Turkey and RUG in Sweden actively participate in the seminars/workshops and conference which constitutes the very idea of the Report Book.

The conference started with the opening remarks of ARI Movement Director Ural Aküzüm and continued with panels titled “Media Ethics and Turkey Experience: 1990s and Today” and “World and Turkey in Media Ethics: Structural and Intellectual Problems”.

During the panels in which panelists addressed the issue of media ethics from the journalist, academician and NGO member perspectives, media ethics was discussed in parallel with basic concepts like human rights, freedom of press and freedom of expression using local and international examples.

For more information about the project, please visit