Organic Meat and Milk Production in Erzurum Project started working for Organic Status to 120 enterprises!

Eastern Anatolian Agriculture and Livestock Producers Association held a meeting for the opening of the Organic Meat and Milk Production in Erzurum Project.

The importance of organic agriculture was emphasized during the ceremony in which the AK Party deputy of Erzurum Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ilıcalı, Erzurum Deputy Mayor Eyüp Tavlaşoğlu, representatives of the project partner IFOAM – International Federation Of Organic Agriculture Movements as well as lecturers from Erzurum Atatürk University, Veterinary and Agriculture Faculty and farmers in the region participated.

Nazmi Ilıcalı, President of the Eastern Anatolian Agriculture and Livestock Producers Association, mentioned that their aim was to provide organic production status to 120 enterprises under their project which would be implemented for a year. He mentioned that they also planned to provide trainings for 1500 producers. Ilıcalı added that marketing of organic products would contribute to the income level of the farmers and that they would work with their German partner to share the international best practices with the producers in Erzurum.

The project aims to increase organic meat and milk production in Erzurum and create awareness about the organic agriculture and livestock in the region.

For more information about the project, please visit