Rain Harvesting Project Came to an End

The Rain Harvesting Project which is implemented by the Landscape Research Society (PAD) in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Çankaya Municipality and Humanitarian World Association of Portugal has come to the end. Municipal employees, civil society organizations and the relevant departments of universities participated in the Rain Day Closing Meeting. Presentations were made during the panel held in question-answer format.

What was achieved within the scope of the project?

Studies were carried out within the scope of the project to meet the water demand by keeping the rain water in rural and urban areas through rain harvesting in Ankara, located in the Central Anatolia region which is one of the geographical areas affected by drought. Awareness about rain harvesting was created.  The municipalities have accelerated the implementation of rain harvesting by learning the application methods on site. Technical information on how to use rain harvesting for irrigation was given to villagers living in Çankaya. The farmers performed the first practices in their own gardens. A booklet titled “Guide to the Implementation of Rain Harvesting: A Solution for Climate Change Adaptation” was prepared.

The Project Has Come to an End but the Implementation Continues at Full Speed

Despite the fact that the Rain Harvesting project has completed its one-year life span, it became a real success in terms of sustainability. Çankaya Municipality continues to work on the technical and physical infrastructure for the creation of water retention landscapes in 500 parks in the district and to ensure water storage. When the methods are implemented, these will be the first examples of the parks worldwide which are designed in accordance with the rain harvesting method.  In addition to that,  farmers ‘cooperatives, civil society organizations and other municipal employees will continue to participate in the “trainings of trainers” held in Portugal under the scope of the project, by means of the partnerships established with Portugal.

For more information about the project, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/rain-harvesting/