“Rights of Elderly People and Care Services at EU Standards” Project Closing Ceremony

YÖRTÜRK carried out an important project in 2014 about elderly care services.

Within the framework of the “Rights of Elderly People and Care Services at EU Standards” Project, YÖRTÜRK, CESIE from Italy and Fundacio Campus Arnau d’Escala Assocciation from Spain conducted various activities related to elderly care during the past 13 months. Additionally, CSOs working in elderly care from countries especially Germany were contacted to learn about best practices.

The results of this important project which was carried out to improve the elderly care services in Turkey at EU standards and the achievements in elderly care were announced in a press conference.

The conference started with the opening remarks of Mustafa Tombuloğlu, Director of YÖRTÜRK Foundation. Tombuloğlu stated that their only wish is to serve the elderly better in their voluntarily-run nursing homes and to make them happy.

Coşkun Gürboğa, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Elderly Care Services Department Head talked about the basic problems of elderly in Turkey.

Ministry for European Union Affairs Project Implementation Director Bülent Özcan stated that this project was one of the best samples of the public-CSO collaboration and the collaboration between the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and YÖRTÜRK Foundation was effective.

The Project Coordinator Rasim Canatan shared the results of activities they conducted within the scope of the project with the participants. Project’s partner German Civil Society Organization EuroCarers’s CEO Dr. Hanneli Döhner presented a road map for elderly care at EU standards.