‘Second Spring’ empowers the elderly through dialogue

‘Second Spring’ Project, implemented to establish dialogue among CSOs from Türkiye, France and Spain working on active aging, employment of the elderly and to strengthen the socio-economic participation of the elderly, has completed its forward-looking journey for a society where the elderly are not excluded.


“My goal is to retire as soon as possible and live life to the fullest. A peaceful time for exploring all the beauty that I couldn’t experience before.” These words belong to one of the elder people featured in the documentary produced within the scope of “Second Spring” Project, led by the YORTURK Foundation (Foundation of Solidarity, Science, Health, Education, Research, Development and Service to Yörük–Turkmen Culture) for social and economic participation of the elderly with the hope of a society for all generations.


The full title of “Second Spring”, one of Civil Society Dialogue’s Sixth Phase projects, illustrates the aim and approach of the project: “Strengthening the Elderly through Dialogue between CSOs in EU and Türkiye”. Mehmet Ali Okan, a member of YORTURK Foundation and the project team, summarises the objective of the project as “establishing and strengthening cooperation and dialogue between civil society organisations working on active aging, elderly care and employment of the elderly in Türkiye and Europe”.


Among the activities of the project, run in cooperation with the Association for Research, Work and Promotion of Food for the Elderly (ALIM50+) and the Campus Arnau d’Escala Private Foundation from Spain, were workshops for the empowerment of the elderly in Türkiye, France and Spain, workshops and trainings held in the hobby workshop established in the elderly nursing home of the YORTURK Foundation, the exhibition of the products, the aforementioned documentary that brought real stories to the screen, as well as various research and reports.


‘Second Spring’ documentary gives voice to elderly from three countries

The “Second Spring” Project completed its journey on 31 August 2022, with a closing event in Ankara, the Head of Department of Project Implementation at Directorate for EU Affairs, A. Hakan Atik, giving the opening speech. The results of the project were shared with the participants, and the first screening of the documentary took place at the event. Bringing to screen true stories on social lives and employment of the elderly in Türkiye, Spain and France, the documentary gives voice to the elderly from three countries: “I am 66 years old, and I always say to myself, I must try never to be bored in life,” or “My life philosophy is simplicity, to love, to spread love. Until I die.”


Policies and practices about the employment and working environments of the elderly, measures against social, economic, and cultural exclusion, best practices implemented in active aging were some of the topics discussed, shared, and reported during the project. Mehmet Ali Okan shares what the project has contributed: “The truth that stood out during the activities of our project, that we want to share with others is that Türkiye will also turn into an aging society in the future, and certain measures should already be taken in this regard.”


Short trailer of the documentary “Second Spring”


