Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Public Sector for Cooperation with CSOs

Programme Details

Programming Year : 2017

Beneficiary: Department of Associations, Ministry of Interior, Turkey

Starting Date : July 2017

Programme Scope

The Public-CSO Cooperation Project, implemented by the Ministry of the Interior the Directorate General for Relations and co-financed by the Türkiye and the EU, started in July 2017 and lasted for 24 months.  The main aim of the project was to strengthen the capacities of public institutions that play a key role in communication and cooperation with civil society at central and local levels. In line with this main purpose, the project aims to:

  • To assist in understanding the concept and role of civil society by public officials and increasing the dialogue skills of public officials,
  • To strengthen institutional arrangements at the central level and develop “Cooperation Implementation Skills” to ensure public-CSO cooperation,
  • To improve the knowledge and skills of the central government and its representatives at the local level in encouraging and supporting local CSOs in decision-making processes.

In this context, various capacity building trainings were organised for public personnel and CSO representatives who carry out communication and cooperation CSOs at central and local levels.

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