TEMA Foundation invites everybody to join TEMASTA!

TEMA Foundation established the “TEMA Sustainable Agriculture Network” (TEMASTA) in order to disseminate sustainable agricultural practices and to raise awareness in this regard. TEMASTA, which consists of an internet based platform and informative website that enables exchange of information, has been online. The platform and the website can be accessed at “temasta.tarimtema.org” and “www.tarimtema.org” respectively.

Deniz Ataç, Chairman of TEMA Foundation said, “The incorrect agricultural practices such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides cause damage to all living things, including agricultural areas and people. As TEMA Foundation, we believe that this issue can only be resolved by sustainable agricultural practices. Within this scope, we launched the EU-TR Network for Sustainable Agriculture, namely TEMASTA Project with the partnership of Both ENDS under the Civil Society Dialogue Programme. In the project co-financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey, we aimed to establish an internet-based platform for all segments of sustainable agriculture to meet, share information and collaborate. We held meetings with stakeholders and took their opinions. We have launched the platform and the website that were developed in line with these opinions. We invite everyone to become a member of TEMASTA“.

Consumers and producers will make themselves heard

TEMASTA, which is designed to have producers, consumers and all interested groups communicate with each other, includes support for manufacturers, weather reports, new methods applied worldwide, and various news related to the topic. The platform, which facilitates the access of consumers to producers who produce healthy and environmentally friendly food, also acts as a meeting environment for producers for national and international collaboration. 

It is very easy to join TEMASTA

In order to get in touch with people who want to take action for a sustainable lifestyle and contribute to sustainable agriculture, the first step is to access www.temasta.tarimtema.org. Then the account and profile information is completed using the options sign up or connect with your social media account. Finally a profile photo is selected and registration is completed easily.