United for the conservation of brown bears!

The European Union is struggling for years particularly for the protection of biodiversity in its own habitat. The Natura 2000 network which was established by the Union within the framework of policies for the endangered species plays an important role for many of them to survive.

Brown Bear race has been put under conservation in Turkey since 2003 and is being monitored in Sarikamış Nature Park in Kars. However, reliable data about the population and distribution of this race is not available. Istituto Oikos- Onlus from Italy and Kuzey Doğa Derneği started working together under the Brown Bear Conservation Project in order to access this data. Project partners aim to adapt the experience, knowledge and best practices in Europe regarding the conservation of  carnivores to Turkey and to ensure the sustainability of the conservation of brown bear population through the appropriate management of natural resources.

Turkish committee finalized the study visit in Adelmellı Brenta National Park. The management of the brown bear population was discussed during the study visit which was held between 27 and 29 June 2016. Best practices in ecotourism were also discussed in detail.

During the meetings in which representatives from the Ministries of Forestry and Tourism participated, topics like the promotion of sustainable ecotourism in Sarıkamış and how it would be supported were mentioned.

In addition to the above mentioned activities, technical meetings were held for information exchange on brown bear monitoring and to discuss how conservation of endangered species would be the key element for the promotion of tourism.

For more information about the project, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/brown-bear-conservation/