We Work Together for Dialogue! – Dialogue for Effective Communication on EU Issues Workshop

The Dialogue for Effective Communication on EU Issues Workshop is organized for 2-3 May 2016 in Ankara.

The workshop brought together representatives from media, CSOs and public institutions which play an important role in informing public on the effects of the reforms made during the EU accession process on our daily lives.

The journey which leads to this workshop started in October 2014 with the Roadmap Workshop. During this workshop in which how these three sectors can communicate better to inform public about the EU membership and values is discussed, the framework for the Dialogue Seminars is established.

Within 2015, 6 dialogue seminars in Antalya, İstanbul, Gaziantep, Samsun, Eskişehir and İzmir were organized. Over 600 and 200 sector representatives participated in the Understand, Express, Agree Panel which was organized within the scope of the seminar and the following workshop respectively. A booklet as an important outcome of these seminars will be published soon.

Following the completion of the seminars, a study visit to Brussels was organized for the representatives selected from the participants and they had the chance to observe the EU mechanisms and values on site.

Now it is time to evaluate the outcomes of all these efforts! We will look into dialogue again from the perspectives of both EU and Turkey!

During the first day of the workshop, experts will discuss how cross-sectoral dialogue strengthens the communication on EU issues using examples from EU and Turkey and their own sectoral experiences.

Dialogue seminars organized in 6 provinces of Turkey will be evaluated during the second day of the workshop and participants will have the chance to discuss the best practices in effective communication on EU issues.

For more information about Dialogue seminars, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/dialogue-seminars/