Women on the Move Project is getting ready for its second workshop!

Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) is getting prepared to hold the second workshop under the scope of the Women on the Move Project in İstanbul on 5-6 September 2016. A field study is being conducted about the refugee women in İstanbul and Gaziantep before the workshop. Through this study, problems and needs of the refugee women will be determined. The results of the study will be tackled and evaluated in the workshop.

Women on the Move Project looks at the refugee problem which has been one of the most important issues for Turkey and European Union through a women’s perspective and also aims to create awareness about the legal legislations for refugee rights. .

Within the scope of the project, trainings will be organized for governmental officers who are in direct contact with the refuguees. Another training will be held for refugee women to ensure that they are informed about the legal rights of refugees. Additionally, shooting a documentary about the stories of the refugee women is planned in order to eliminate the public prejudices against refugees.

The first stage of the work on the path to the resolution of the refugee problem in EU and Turkey was completed in the Best Practices for Refugee Women Workshop in May. Experiences on the refugee integration policies were shared in the 3-day workshop in Italy. 11 civil society organizations, 5 from EU and 6 from Turkey, participated in the workshop. During the workshop which was conducted with the participation of the project partners EUROCULTURA Institute and International Refugee Rights Association, the status of refugees in Turkey, Italy, Germany, Greece and United Kingdom is discussed. Best practices were emphasized. Three civil society organizations which work in the same field were visited.

For more information about the project, please visit http://civilsocietydialogue.org/project/women-on-the-move/