Workshops under Corporate Social Responsibility Among SMEs Project

Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED)’s project which has been implemented under collaboration with Corporate Social Responsibility Association from Turkey and MVO Nederland from Netherlands is coming to an end. The aim of the project was to raise awareness in corporate social responsibility and to redesign almost 200 SMEs’ business models accordingly.

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is important for SMEs? 

TÜRKONFED’s president Tarkan Kadooğlu emphasizes that companies should improve not only themselves but the society as well and mentions that corporate social responsibility awareness contributes to community development as well. Kadooğlu also states that it is not possible for the companies to stand out in the global competition only through profit-oriented growth strategies but those who develop projects that will effect the society, transform it in a positive way and provide social benefits, and SMEs that make corporate social responsibility a corporate culture, will stand out.

Under the scope of the project, it is explained how SMEs can integrate issues such as social, environmental, ethical, human and consumer rights into their daily business activities and transform them into an institutional structure. The basic objectives and principles of social responsibility policies are also passed on to SMEs. Awareness is being created.

Study visits, summits and workshops

Within the framework of the project, SMEs participated in a study visit in the Netherlands to observe best practices on site and to monitor innovative and sustainable policies in various sectors. Representatives from private sector enterprisess, local and national civil society workers, academicians and students gathered at two separate ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ summits. They had the chance to discuss corporate social responsibility policies during the panels..

The Corporate Social Responsibility Among SMEs Project also organized workshops in different regions of Turkey. In the workshops held in Kayseri, Kütahya and Trabzon, experts in the field of corporate social responsibilit and SME managers in the region came together and practical trainings were given. These workshops will continue in Kocaeli, Hatay and Malatya.

The project will end with the preparation of a comparative research report in which sector-based corporate social responsibility practices in Turkey and EU countries will be analysed and with a closing event where project results will be presented.