Youth at Work: ‘Disability is not an obstacle’

‘Sustained CSO Dialogue on Employment of Youth with Disability’ Project, run in the Sixth Phase of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme to increase the employment of young people with disabilities and to support Türkiye’s membership to the European Union, was successfully completed with the closing meeting held in June 2022.


The “Sustained CSO Dialogue on Employment of Youth with Disability” Project was implemented by Anatolian Youth Federation, in partnership with the COMPASS Organisation for the European Youth Community from Hungary, and with associates Osmaniye Korkut Ata University and Disabled Public Employees Solidarity and Cooperation Association. The project was carried out to contribute to the employment of young people with disabilities through establishing a strong and sustainable dialogue between youth CSOs in Türkiye and Hungary.


Anatolian Youth Federation President and Project Coordinator Mesut Karaağaç spoke in detail about the activities carried out within the project, the starting point, the objectives of the project and the outputs at the closing meeting: “We are aware of the fact that young people with disabilities have problems about their employment due to lack of quality education, exclusion because of their disabilities, prejudices and limited opportunities in terms of accessibility. We have set one of the main objectives of the ‘Sustained CSO Dialogue on Employment of Youth with Disability’ Project as increasing the employability of young people with disabilities.”


What were the project achievements?

Throughout the project, the competencies and skills necessary for the employability of disabled young people aged 15-29 in Türkiye and the EU were identified, and ways to develop these were reviewed. Strategic career guidance services were provided to disabled young individuals. In addition, mentorship was provided to young people with disabilities with resources developed by mentors and academics. Mutual study visits were also held between Hungary and Türkiye in order to share best practices and experience regarding the employment of youth with disabilities. An online forum where young people with disabilities could share their daily experiences and an accessible resource centre were among the other highlights of the project.


Project mentor Gizem Polat, speaking at the closing meeting of the “Sustained CSO Dialogue on Employment of Youth with Disability” Project, said that through surveys and SWOT analyses, they identified the competencies of young people with disabilities and worked towards helping them reach the right resources in line with these skills and competencies. Polat’s final remarks sums up the spirit of the project: “Being disabled is not an obstacle.”


VISUALS: Event images on the project website can be used.