Türkiye – EU Business Dialogue

Programme Details

Programming Year : 2015
Referance Document : 2015 Action Document
Beneficiary:The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), EUROCHAMBERS
Contract Type: Direct Grant
Starting Date: July 14, 2018
Grant Projects Starting Date : April 1, 2019

Programme Scope

The Directorate for EU Affairs (DEUA) has been accepted as the lead institution for the Civil Society sector in the second phase of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) covering the years 2014-2020. In this framework, 23 projects were programmed under the Civil Society sector in the 2014-2015-2016 programming periods.

The Türkiye – EU Business Dialogue Project“, implemented by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), in cooperation with the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBERS), is one of the projects included in the 2015 programming.

This project is a continuation of two projects (grant programmes) carried out by TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS between 2007-2009 and 2011-2014 under the name of EU-Türkiye Chambers Forum with the aim of improving the capacity of chambers in Türkiye and raising their awareness in the context of Türkiye’s EU accession negotiations. Through 43 grant projects carried out between 2007-2009 and 2011-2014, 126 chambers of commerce and industry from Türkiye and EU member states have established partnerships. A total of €5 million was allocated to the projects.

In the light of the experience gained from the EU- Türkiye Chambers Forum projects carried out in partnership with TOBB and EUROCHAMBERS since 2007, the Türkiye-EU Business Dialogue Project was designed as a third step.

The overall objective of the project is to improve mutual knowledge and understanding between the Turkish and EU business communities, promote business integration and raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges of Türkiye’s EU membership.

The specific objectives of the project are to improve the capacity of chambers in Türkiye and enable them to produce new services for their members, to create a basis for the exchange of good practices between chambers in Türkiye and the EU, and to increase the participation of the business community in political life in Türkiye and the EU, in particular by contributing to the modernisation of the Customs Union.

The project consists of 2 sub-components (projects): 1- Direct Grant Component and 2- Grant Programme Component. The total budget of the project consisting of these two sub-components/projects is EUR 5 million. EUR 4.700.000 of the budget is EU contribution and EUR 300.000 is Türkiye contribution.

1.Direct Grant Component 

A direct grant agreement with a budget of EUR 2.2 million was signed between TOBB-

EUROCHAMBERS partnership and the CFCU on July 13,2018. Co-financing amounting to EUR 300,000 was provided by TOBB.

The activities covered under the Direct Grant Project are as follow:

  • Trainings to be received by Chamber/Commodity Exchange officers on EU legislation,
  • Surveys to determine the perspectives of Turkish and EU companies on EU-Türkiye relations,
  • Meetings aiming to bring together EU-Türkiye public and private sector representatives within the framework of analysing and developing EU- Türkiye economic relations,
  • Workshops for businesses on the EU accession process and the Customs Union,
  • Activities to increase the awareness of businesses about practices aimed at harmonizing with the EU acquis and the capacity of Chamber/Exchange Exchange officers in these areas,
  • Capacity development activities to increase the energy efficiency and financial/operational efficiency of businesses,
  • Study visits of Turkish Chamber/Commodity Exchange officials to European Chambers and EU Chamber officials to Turkish Chambers.

Grant Programme Component 2

A support of 2.5 million Euros was provided to improve cooperation between Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and EU Chambers. In this context, 19 “twinning” grant projects between Turkish and EU Chambers and Commodity Exchanges were selected and contracts were signed with the beneficiaries between 12-15 March 2019.

 The implementation process started with the opening meeting held in İstanbul on April 3, 2019.


Leader Room Project Name Common Room(s)
Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIM) Increases Its Capacity in Cooperation with Its Counterpart in Granada (CCIG) Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion de Granada, Spain (1)
Edirne Commodity


Knowledge is Power Yambol Chamber of

Commerce and Industry,

Bulgaria (1)

Eskisehir Chamber

of Industry

Develop SMEs and Clusters by International Networking  

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de region Auvergne Rhone Alpes, France (1)

Cambra Oficial de Comerc, Industria i Navegacio de Barcelona, Spain (2)

Sivas Chamber of Commerce and Industry (3)

Çerkezköy Chamber

of Commerce and


Improving European Dialogue for Business Drama Chamber of

Commerce and Industry,

Greece (1)


Chamber of

Commerce and


SME Hospital and European Network  



Commodity Exchange


Bingöl Chamber of

Commerce and Industry


Siauliu prekybos, pramones ir amatu rumai, Lithuania (3)

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Sibiu, Romania (4)

Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria (5)

Samsun Chamber of

Commerce and


Strengthen of EU-Turkey Business

Bridges Through More Cooperation

and Comprehension of EU

Hospodarska Komora

Ceske Republiky, Czech

Republic (1)

Bursa Chamber of

Commerce and


Finding Opportunities & Building Bridges in the Automotive Industry Between Turkey and The EU Kilis Chamber of

Commerce and Industry (1)

Polish Chamber of Commerce,

Poland (2)

Bacs-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi es Iparkamara, Hungary (3)

İstanbul Chamber of


Twinning for Digitalisation Chambre de commerce et

d’industrie de region

Paris Ile-de-France,

France (1)

Ankara Chamber of


Fostering SMEs’ Growth by Transfer of Expertise Between Spanish and Turkish Chambers: SMEs’ Observatory Düzce Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1)

Official Chamber of

Commerce, Industry,

Services and Navigation

of Spain, Spain (2)

Konya Chamber of



Business Service Centre

Aksaray Trade and Industry

Aksaray Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1)

Chemnitz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Germany (2)

Giresun Commodity


Increase of Hazelnut Added Value in Giresun by Increasing the Collaboration of the Chambers Giresun Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1)

Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino, Italy (2)

Kars Commodity


Accreditation Guidance to Kars CE and Provision of Cheese Production Variety Ardahan Trade and Industry

Ardahan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1)

Serres Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Greece (2)

Galati Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura, Romania (3)

Istanbul Chamber of


Transfer of Best Practices Through Structural Dialogue for Capacity Development in The Fields of Digitalisation and Industry-University Collaboration and Internationalisation Unione Regionale delle

Camere di Commercio,

Industria, Artigianato e

Agricoltura della

Lombardia, Italy (1)

Gaziantep Chamber

of Commerce

Supporting EU-Turkey Trade Integration (SETTI) Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegacion de Sevilla, Spain (1)

Adıyaman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2)

Kocaeli Chamber of


Developing A New Service for Turkish Chambers on Coaching Companies on Energy Efficiency Walloon Chamber of

Commerce and Industry,

Belgium (1)







Uşak Chamber of

Commerce and






Mediterranean Business Dialogue

for SME Coaching and International Trade

Camera di Commercio Viterboi, Italy (1)

Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries of Thessaloniki, Greece (2)

Camara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de la provincia de Caceres, Spain (3)

Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (4)

Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (5)

Trabzon Chamber of

Commerce and


Intereuropean Concept Innovation Network Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria (1)

Kauno prekybos, pramones ir amatu rumai, Lithuania (2)

Artvin Chamber of

Commerce and


Increase Your Opportunities of Networking Though Strengthened Digital Information Management System Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura a Judetului Arad, Romania (1)


Romania (1)

Small And Medium

Sized Industry

Chamber Of

Piraeus, Greece

Strengthening The Civil Society & Business Networking of Female Entrepreneurs and Exchange of Experience (Euro-FEM) Izmir Commodity Exchange (1)

Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegacion de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2)


Project Newsletters:

TEBD Newsletter #1, July 2019

TEBD Newsletter #2, September 2019

For detailed information:

 Project website: https://tebd.eu/

Programme Details

Programming Year : 2021
Referance Document : 2021 Action Document
Beneficiary:The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), EUROCHAMBERS
Contract Type: Direct Grant
Starting Date: December 31, 2022 

Programme Scope

The Türkiye – EU Business Dialogue Project – II”, carried out by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), in cooperation with the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBERS) is one of the projects included in the 2021 programming.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen mutual knowledge and understanding between chambers in Türkiye and their counterparts in the EU and thus promote the integration of business communities and better awareness of the opportunities and challenges of Türkiye’s accession to the EU, both in Türkiye and in the EU.

The project consists of 2 sub-components:

1- Direct Grant Component and

2- Indirect Management Component.

The total budget of the project, which consists of these two sub-components, is 6 million Euros. 3.5 million Euros have been allocated for the first component and 2.5 million Euros for the second component.

The following four activities under Component 1 will be implemented.

  1. Cooperation Activities Between Chambers and Business Communities in Türkiye and the EU
  2. Capacity Building Activities of Chambers in Türkiye and the EU
  3. Networking and Mobility Support Mechanism for Chambers in Türkiye and the EU
  4. Supporting the EU-Türkiye Chambers Partnership Grant Programme

To support gender equality, female staff of the chambers will be encouraged to participate in TEBD II activities. In particular, female participants participating in training seminars and capacity building activities will be encouraged to constitute at least 30 percent of all participants.

Component 2 will be a continuation of the grant programmes carried out by EUROCHAMBRES and TOBB within the framework of civil society dialogue. Grant projects provide opportunities for networking and sustainable cooperation to chambers in the EU and Türkiye; Chambers in Türkiye aim to support a green and resilient recovery from the impact of COVID-19, increase the resource and energy efficiency of businesses (especially SMEs), ensure the transition to a circular economy, participate in carbon markets, increase business resilience against the effects of climate change, and provide sustainable services to their members. It will address issues such as providing up-to-date services in a way. Within the scope of this grant program, approximately 20 partnerships will be established between Chambers in the EU and Türkiye.